Książka naprawcza Nokia 3510 (NHM-8NX)
Jest to jedna z serii podręczników przydatnych podczas ustalania powodów usterek w telefonie oraz ich późniejszej naprawy. 112-stronicowy podręcznik zawiera schematy telefonu, diagramy postępowania w przypadku wystąpienia uszkodzenia określonego typu i porady dotyczące naprawy.
Podręcznik został przygotowany w języku arabskim i angielskim
Oto tytuły rozdziałów:
General Information
Disassembly Instruction
System model and USER Interface
- Technical summary
- DC-characteristics
- Modes of Operation
- Charging
- Circuitry Electrical Characteristics
- Power Up and Reset
- A/D Channels
- LCD & Keyboard Backligt
- Internal Audio
- Keyboard
- Memory Module
- Test points
- RF block diagram
- Frequency synthesizers
- Receiver
- Transmitter
- Synthesizer and RF Control
Parts list
- Transceiver Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting steps
- General Instructions
- Baseband Troubleshooting
- Baseband Testpoints
- Fault Finding Charts
- Phone is dead
- Flash programming does not work
- Power does not stay on or phone is jammed
- Display information: "Contact Service"
- Phone does not register into the network or the phone cannot make a call
- SIM related faults
- Insert SIM card fault
- Audio related faults
- Charging failure
RF Troubleshooting
- General description of the RF circuits
- Receiver
- General Instructions for GSM900 RX Troubleshooting
- Fault Finding Chart for GSM900 Receiver
- General Instructions for GSM1800 RX Troubleshooting
- Fault Finding Chart for GSM1800 Receiver
- Measurement points in the receiver
- Transmitter
- Measurement points for the transmitter
- General instructions for GSM TX troubleshooting
- Fault finding chart for GSM900 transmitter
- PCN Transmitter
- General instructions for PCN TX troubleshooting
- Synthesizer
- General Instructions for Synthesizer troubleshooting
- 26 Mhz Reference Oscillator (VCXO)
- Fault finding chart for PLL Synthesizer
- Measurement points for the PLL
- Frequency lists
Circuit Theory Diagram
Wersja do druku
Wersja PDF
Podręcznik został przygotowany w języku arabskim i angielskim
Oto tytuły rozdziałów:
General Information
Disassembly Instruction
System model and USER Interface
- Technical summary
- DC-characteristics
- Modes of Operation
- Charging
- Circuitry Electrical Characteristics
- Power Up and Reset
- A/D Channels
- LCD & Keyboard Backligt
- Internal Audio
- Keyboard
- Memory Module
- Test points
- RF block diagram
- Frequency synthesizers
- Receiver
- Transmitter
- Synthesizer and RF Control
Parts list
- Transceiver Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting steps
- General Instructions
- Baseband Troubleshooting
- Baseband Testpoints
- Fault Finding Charts
- Phone is dead
- Flash programming does not work
- Power does not stay on or phone is jammed
- Display information: "Contact Service"
- Phone does not register into the network or the phone cannot make a call
- SIM related faults
- Insert SIM card fault
- Audio related faults
- Charging failure
RF Troubleshooting
- General description of the RF circuits
- Receiver
- General Instructions for GSM900 RX Troubleshooting
- Fault Finding Chart for GSM900 Receiver
- General Instructions for GSM1800 RX Troubleshooting
- Fault Finding Chart for GSM1800 Receiver
- Measurement points in the receiver
- Transmitter
- Measurement points for the transmitter
- General instructions for GSM TX troubleshooting
- Fault finding chart for GSM900 transmitter
- PCN Transmitter
- General instructions for PCN TX troubleshooting
- Synthesizer
- General Instructions for Synthesizer troubleshooting
- 26 Mhz Reference Oscillator (VCXO)
- Fault finding chart for PLL Synthesizer
- Measurement points for the PLL
- Frequency lists
Circuit Theory Diagram
ksiazka, naprawcza, serwisowa, nokii, nokia, 3510
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