Książka serwisowa do telefonu Nokia 7110
Jest to jedna z serii podręczników przydatnych podczas ustalania powodów usterek w telefonie oraz ich późniejszej naprawy. 64-stronicowy podręcznik zawiera schematy telefonu, diagramy postępowania w przypadku wystąpienia uszkodzenia określonego typu i porady dotyczące naprawy.
Podręcznik został przygotowany w języku angielskim
Oto tytuły rozdziałów:
Chapter 1 Disassembly Instructions for Nokia 7110 Mobile Phone
Chapter 2 Typical circuits Analysis for Nokia 7110 Mobile Phone
2.1 Power Supplies
2.1.1 Power distribution
2.1.2 Power UP
2.1.3 Modes of operation
2.1.4 Charging control
2.1.5 DC Regulators
2.2 RF Module
2.2.1 Receiver
2.2.2 Transmitter
2.2.3 Frequency Synthesizer
2.3 Audio Control and Memories
2.3.1 Audio Control
2.3.2 Memories
2.4 User Interface
2.4.1 Buzzer
2.4.2 Keyboard LED
2.4.3 Keys circuit
2.4.4 IR Interface
2.4.5 Earphone and MIC interface
2.4.6 LCD interface and LCD LED
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting for Nokia 7110 Mobile Phone
3.1 Baseband Troubleshooting
3.1.1 Phone is totally dead
3.1.2 Flash programming doesn't work
3.1.3 Power doesn't stay on or phone is jammed
3.1.4 The phone doesn't register to the network or phone doesn't make a call
3.1.5. SIM Card is out of order
3.1.6 Not Charging
3.2 RF Troubleshooting
3.2.1 GSM Receiver
3.2.2 PCN Receiver
3.2.3 GSM Transmitter
3.2.4 PCN Transmitter
3.2.5 Sythesizers
Nokia 7110 mobile phone components layout-TOP
Nokia 7110 mobile phone components layout-BOTTOM
Nokia 7110 mobile phone troubleshooting color diagram
color diagram
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Podręcznik został przygotowany w języku angielskim
Oto tytuły rozdziałów:
Chapter 1 Disassembly Instructions for Nokia 7110 Mobile Phone
Chapter 2 Typical circuits Analysis for Nokia 7110 Mobile Phone
2.1 Power Supplies
2.1.1 Power distribution
2.1.2 Power UP
2.1.3 Modes of operation
2.1.4 Charging control
2.1.5 DC Regulators
2.2 RF Module
2.2.1 Receiver
2.2.2 Transmitter
2.2.3 Frequency Synthesizer
2.3 Audio Control and Memories
2.3.1 Audio Control
2.3.2 Memories
2.4 User Interface
2.4.1 Buzzer
2.4.2 Keyboard LED
2.4.3 Keys circuit
2.4.4 IR Interface
2.4.5 Earphone and MIC interface
2.4.6 LCD interface and LCD LED
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting for Nokia 7110 Mobile Phone
3.1 Baseband Troubleshooting
3.1.1 Phone is totally dead
3.1.2 Flash programming doesn't work
3.1.3 Power doesn't stay on or phone is jammed
3.1.4 The phone doesn't register to the network or phone doesn't make a call
3.1.5. SIM Card is out of order
3.1.6 Not Charging
3.2 RF Troubleshooting
3.2.1 GSM Receiver
3.2.2 PCN Receiver
3.2.3 GSM Transmitter
3.2.4 PCN Transmitter
3.2.5 Sythesizers
Nokia 7110 mobile phone components layout-TOP
Nokia 7110 mobile phone components layout-BOTTOM
Nokia 7110 mobile phone troubleshooting color diagram
color diagram
instrukcja, serwisowa, serwisowka, ksiazka, naprawcza, naprawa, uszkodzenia, nokia, 7110
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