Książka serwisowa do telefonu Nokia 8310
Jest to jedna z serii podręczników przydatnych podczas ustalania powodów usterek w telefonie oraz ich późniejszej naprawy. 74-stronicowy podręcznik zawiera schematy telefonu, diagramy postępowania w przypadku wystąpienia uszkodzenia określonego typu i porady dotyczące naprawy.
Podręcznik został przygotowany w języku angielskim
Oto tytuły rozdziałów:
Chapter 1 Dismantling Hints for Nokia 8310 Mobile Phone
Chapter 2 Typical Circuits Analysis for Nokia 8310 Mobile Phone
[ The analysis to the circuits of RF part ]
1 circuit receiver
2 circuit transmitter
3 circuit of local oscillation and frequency synthesizer
[The analysis to the circuits of power part ]
1 circuit of power-on
2 circuit of the whole machine power supply
3 circuit of clock forming
4 circuit of logic control
5 other circuits
6 circuit of audio frequency
Chapter 3 troubles shooting and testing for hardware of Nokia 8310 mobile phone
Preparation before the maintenance
Matters needing attention in repairing
1 failure to power-on
2 failure of no networks
3 failure to transmit
4 failure to identify the SIM card
5 failure to display
6 vain keys
7 no voice in the earpiece
8 MIC disabled
9 no vibration
10 no ring
11 no keyboard ligh and background light
12 time showed abnormally
13 FM radio failed
Chapter 4 NOKIA Four in one software maintenance instrument
Nokia 8310 mobile phone components layout diagram 1
Nokia 8310 mobile phone components layout diagram 2
Nokia 8310 mobile phone troubles shooting color diagram.
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Podręcznik został przygotowany w języku angielskim
Oto tytuły rozdziałów:
Chapter 1 Dismantling Hints for Nokia 8310 Mobile Phone
Chapter 2 Typical Circuits Analysis for Nokia 8310 Mobile Phone
[ The analysis to the circuits of RF part ]
1 circuit receiver
2 circuit transmitter
3 circuit of local oscillation and frequency synthesizer
[The analysis to the circuits of power part ]
1 circuit of power-on
2 circuit of the whole machine power supply
3 circuit of clock forming
4 circuit of logic control
5 other circuits
6 circuit of audio frequency
Chapter 3 troubles shooting and testing for hardware of Nokia 8310 mobile phone
Preparation before the maintenance
Matters needing attention in repairing
1 failure to power-on
2 failure of no networks
3 failure to transmit
4 failure to identify the SIM card
5 failure to display
6 vain keys
7 no voice in the earpiece
8 MIC disabled
9 no vibration
10 no ring
11 no keyboard ligh and background light
12 time showed abnormally
13 FM radio failed
Chapter 4 NOKIA Four in one software maintenance instrument
Nokia 8310 mobile phone components layout diagram 1
Nokia 8310 mobile phone components layout diagram 2
Nokia 8310 mobile phone troubles shooting color diagram.
instrukcja, serwisowa, serwisowka, ksiazka, naprawcza, naprawa, uszkodzenia, nokia, 8310
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