Uniwersalna książka serwisowa (2)
Jest to jedna z serii podręczników przydatnych podczas ustalania powodów usterek w telefonie oraz ich późniejszej naprawy. 76-stronicowy podręcznik zawiera wysokiej jakości zdjęcia płyt głównych telefonów wraz opisem jakie objawy powoduje uszkodzenie danego elementu i porady dotyczące naprawy.
Podręcznik został przygotowany w języku angielskim
Oto tytuły rozdziałów:
1 NOKIA Series Mobile Phone Failure Maintenance
1.1 NOKIA 6210 Failure Maintenance
1.1.1 Phone doesn't switch on
1.1.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
1.1.3 SIM Card faults
1.1.4 LCD circuit is faulty
1.1.5 Other faults
1.2 NOKIA 6310 Failure Maintenance
1.2.1 Phone doesn't switch on
1.2.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
1.2.3 LCD and SIM Card curcuit are faulty
1.2.4 Other faults
1.3 NOKIA 5210 Failure Maintenance
1.3.1 Phone doesn't switch on
1.3.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
1.3.3 LCD and SIM Card circuit are faulty
1.3.4 Other faults
2 Samsung Series Mobile Phone Failure Maintenance
2.1 Samsung A300/A388 Failure Maintenance
2.1.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.1.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
2.1.3 SIM Card faults
2.1.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.1.5 Other faults
2.2 Samsung A288 Failure Maintenance
2.2.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.2.2 Phone doesn't register to network
2.2.3 SIM Card faults
2.2.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.2.5 Other faults
2.3 Samsung A100/A188 Failure Maintenance
2.3.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.3.2 Phone doesn't register to network
2.3.3 SIM Card faults
2.3.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.3.5 Other faults
2.4 Samsung N100/N188 Failure Maintenance
2.4.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.4.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
2.4.3 SIM Card faults
2.4.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.4.5 Other faults
2.5 Samsung 2488 Failure Maintenance
2.5.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.5.2 Phone doesn't register to network
2.5.3 SIM Card faults
2.5.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.5.5 Other faults
3 Motorola Series Mobile Phone Failure Maintenance
3.1 Motorola T189 Failure Maintenance
3.1.1 Phone doesn't switch on
3.1.2 Phone doesn't register to network
3.1.3 SIM Card faults
3.1.4 LCD circuit is faulty
3.1.5 Other faults
3.2 Motorola T191 Failure Maintenance
3.2.1 Phone doesn't switch on
3.2.2 Phone doesn't register to network
3.2.3 LCD circuit is faulty
3.2.4 Other faults
4 Siemens Series Mobile Phones Failure Maintenance
4.1 Siemens 3508 failure maintenance
4.1.1 Phone doesn't switch on
4.1.2 Phone doesn't register to network
4.1.3 SIM Card faults
4.1.4 Other faults
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Podręcznik został przygotowany w języku angielskim
Oto tytuły rozdziałów:
1 NOKIA Series Mobile Phone Failure Maintenance
1.1 NOKIA 6210 Failure Maintenance
1.1.1 Phone doesn't switch on
1.1.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
1.1.3 SIM Card faults
1.1.4 LCD circuit is faulty
1.1.5 Other faults
1.2 NOKIA 6310 Failure Maintenance
1.2.1 Phone doesn't switch on
1.2.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
1.2.3 LCD and SIM Card curcuit are faulty
1.2.4 Other faults
1.3 NOKIA 5210 Failure Maintenance
1.3.1 Phone doesn't switch on
1.3.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
1.3.3 LCD and SIM Card circuit are faulty
1.3.4 Other faults
2 Samsung Series Mobile Phone Failure Maintenance
2.1 Samsung A300/A388 Failure Maintenance
2.1.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.1.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
2.1.3 SIM Card faults
2.1.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.1.5 Other faults
2.2 Samsung A288 Failure Maintenance
2.2.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.2.2 Phone doesn't register to network
2.2.3 SIM Card faults
2.2.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.2.5 Other faults
2.3 Samsung A100/A188 Failure Maintenance
2.3.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.3.2 Phone doesn't register to network
2.3.3 SIM Card faults
2.3.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.3.5 Other faults
2.4 Samsung N100/N188 Failure Maintenance
2.4.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.4.2 Phone doesn't register to network or fails to transmit
2.4.3 SIM Card faults
2.4.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.4.5 Other faults
2.5 Samsung 2488 Failure Maintenance
2.5.1 Phone doesn't switch on
2.5.2 Phone doesn't register to network
2.5.3 SIM Card faults
2.5.4 LCD circuit is faulty
2.5.5 Other faults
3 Motorola Series Mobile Phone Failure Maintenance
3.1 Motorola T189 Failure Maintenance
3.1.1 Phone doesn't switch on
3.1.2 Phone doesn't register to network
3.1.3 SIM Card faults
3.1.4 LCD circuit is faulty
3.1.5 Other faults
3.2 Motorola T191 Failure Maintenance
3.2.1 Phone doesn't switch on
3.2.2 Phone doesn't register to network
3.2.3 LCD circuit is faulty
3.2.4 Other faults
4 Siemens Series Mobile Phones Failure Maintenance
4.1 Siemens 3508 failure maintenance
4.1.1 Phone doesn't switch on
4.1.2 Phone doesn't register to network
4.1.3 SIM Card faults
4.1.4 Other faults
instrukcja, serwisowa, serwisowka, ksiazka, naprawcza, naprawa, uszkodzenia
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