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How to unlock Mitsubishi MT-450 Eclipse
How to unlock Mitsubishi MT-450 Eclipse
Mitsubishi Eclipse is one of the first Mitsubishi phones with colour display. It is very simillar in to Triums and we can even use this type of connector to our work.We will need:
Files for download:
Mitsubishi MS Tools 2000
Mitsubishi Unlocker by Wraymogg
First we have to charge phone's battery. Next connect Mitsubishi Mars Unlock cable to MBUS socket in Universal Box 4.0

We have to install Mitsubishi MS Tools 2000. During this installation all necessary dll and ocx libraries will be added to our Windows operating system.
Next we connect cable to the phone

and open program Mitsubishi Unlocker by Wraymogg.

Then we power on the phone and choose 'Show Locks' option. This function reads unlock codes from phone. Sometimes we have to try more than twice. Phone will enter Test Mode.

Read codes looks like as on picture:

We have to disconnect the cable and power on the phone.
Hold * and press 787090. Phone will display

We choose 'Yes' and in next menu we have to enter code which was shown in Network UnlockCode. In this case it is 48685805.

After you enter code you will see message:

It means your phone is unlocked and you can use SIM card of any operator.
There is a possibility to lock phone again to certain network. We must repeat very simillar operation.
We just have to read codes as above and power on the phone. Hold * and enter 787090. Phone will display

We choose 'Yes' and in next menu we enter code which was shown in Network LockCode. In our case it is 25218470.

After it we will be asked to enter MCC+MNC (Mobile Country Code + Mobile Network Code) which is different for each operator (network). Let's try to lock our phone to ERA - Polish network provider. MCC+MNC of this operator is 260-02 and we have to enter it to the phone. After it our phone will only accept SIM cards issued by ERA.

If entered MCC+MNC code is correct we choose 'No'. When we choose 'Yes' we will be asked to enter new MCC+MNC.

Phone is SIM-locked to ERA now.

All the needed equipment is available at GSM SUPPORT
Remember that the technology described above was tested by us but you are doing everything on your own responsibility. All the operations with the software might result in serious and irreversible damage to the phone.
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