NS Pro activation NSPro
NS PRO activation lets you use the newest NS PRO updates. It is required if your box was registered more than 1 year ago. To activate we need your Card ID (Axalto e-gate).
This service is provided via e-mail.
Please as S/N type in Axalto e-gate number which you can read only using NS PRO application. It is not a serial number from label !
When activation is expired before You open NS PRO application You will see a message:
Connected to server
Activation expired!...
45.43 USD

NSMultiUnlock for NSPRO
NSMultiUnlock for NSPRO is the first multiplatform stand alone tool in the market for SmartPhones and others. NS MULTI-UNLOCK unlock PDA, Treo 650, blackberry, LG, Pantech and many more. A true standalone platform at affordable price. Convinient activation as only nspro serial number/card id is required to activate the module. Till this time unlock of SmartPhones took high cost credits - right now you can unlock without any limitations.
This service is provided over e-mail -...
156.86 USD