We offer independend NEC 3G unlock and repair software.
-Full unlock of NEC phones E338, E313, E228, E616, E616V, C616V, also e338 (without IMEI change !)
-Repair IMEI in all listed models:
E338 E313 E228 E616 E616V (also all types N,B,C etc)
-Supports all software versions (also 25)
-Unlock phone code (also when it is blocked)
-Unlock DIAL-LOCK (also when it is blocked)
-Repair software problems ("please wait","initializing", phone hangs after power...
14.00 USD

NEC All 3G E338 E313 E228 E616 E616V C616V Unlock Software
NEC Unlock Software - for All NEC mobiles with camera.
Supported models:
E338, E313, E228, E616, E616V, C616V also version 22, 24 !
For E338, E228, E313, E616, E616v, C616V no test point no temporary codes. Just press READ CODES and you will have them after 5 seconds.
85.43 USD

NEC 3G PL Flasher Tool
NEC 3G PL Flasher Tool is a special USB HASP key that allows you to upload Polish language to your NEC E616, C616, E228, E313, E616V, C616V phone. As you know this language is not available in any pack in NEC 3G phones so it has been specialy written for this phone. By using this kit you may upload Polish language to phone at your customer's request - you can be sure that nobody without this special key can do this for now. Phone after language change does not lost any settings and of course...
85.43 USD